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2007-07-06 17:00:38
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Le Canard


Typharius scowled looking dissapointed with the suddenness of lex`s attitude change,but laughed earing an apology comingfrom the mouth of the brash lex even though he knew it wasn`t meant."good"he sai before stating to hi room"im tired see you all tonght"he caled back as he walked below deck

Chava smirked and looked toward Lex, "Well, that went well."

Lex didn't hear her remark seeing as he was so far away so he just lie there letting white tresses falls with the pull of gravity. He found it hard to stay awake when he was under the warmth of the sun beating down on his bared torso and limbs. He gave a slight sigh of relief and shut his eyes loosely, drifting off into a light slumber. After a few good minutes of this quiant little slumber, Lex heard a crash from below deck. He gasped and flailed his arms, near falling onto the deck facefirst before putting his hands down and catching himself. He gave a low sigh and straightened his posture slowly, walking back below deck carelessly and drowzily.

Lex came walking onto the upper deck once more. He wasn't really mad about all this, but he was upset that there were people on the ship not telling stuff to Chava, the person that could help in anyway she possibly could. He exhaled slowly and walked over to the wheel and gripped it gently.

"That be mine" Demona smile sheepishly standing silently behind Lex.

Lex's eyes snapped up hearing the voice then slowly drifted to look behind him. He gave a small nod and let go of the wheel so he could walk back to one f the rails to sit on.

Demona graped the wheel and untied the leather strap. "Why were you guys eassdropping?"

"I suppose you mean evesdropping, but whatever. I didn't intend to till captain pulled me over to the door and told me what she had heard first. The only thing I'm thinking about now is.. why didn't you tell the captain about this? I mean, if anything, she is the one who could help you right now, in any way she possibly could." Lex's arms crossed loosely over his chest as he stared at the back of her lifelessly. "And one other thing.. how am I involved in all of this?" He asked curiously.

"I have a accent!" Demona spat. "I keep to myself because she can't help me... no need to worry her. And it has nothing to do with you! I intend to keep it that way!"

Lex was ready to correct her grammar but just decided to let it go with a sigh. "Yeah.. that's exactly why you said something about my blood type being the same as yours. Whatever.. I don't need this at all..." He stood himself up and walked down the stairs slowly so that he could go down the steps into his own room. He turned back and looked at Demona for a moment before sighing helplessly and turning back around but didn't go. "You know, I'd be happy to help in any way I could, but obviously you are secure with the people you do have helping you. You feel secure that they'll save you, so why even bother, huh?" He said then walked slowly walked down the steps so he could go to his room.

Domona sat down in a dark corner her foot steading the wheel and removed the silk cloth from her eyes. She cleaned the blood from the corners of her eyes. "My death is to be... The term in queston is how much time I have left..." She saw the sun setting. "Another day... another victory." She grabbed her gurgoling stomach. Realizing she hadn't eaten in awhile made her way to the Galley.

Typharius emerged above ddeck and wet over taking the wheel since no one else was above deck he was happy for the peace and quiet as held the wheel lazily and stared ot over the ocean.

Lex came up and didn't even notice Typharius at the wheel. He sat himself down on the steps and placed the bread on the same step. He also placed the small bowl of water on the step in case the mouse was thirsty. He sighed quietly and leaned back on the steps with his hands behind his head. Lex heard a few people heading up from the steps so he peeked towards the stairs case that lead to below deck and laid back when he saw the captain. "So, Captain, how long will it take for us to get to Tortuga?"

Typharius looked around and just noticed the others were above deck as well and made a face before offering the captain the wheel

Demona slurped more of her gombo. "I supoose you wouldn't want any?" she asked Typh.

He looked at her and then at the gumbo with a look of greatdisdain"no"

"I figured as much... least it dosen't have garlic" Demona laughed. "We'll be in Tortuga in three hours" she stated. "We'll see it in one" she shoved the spoon in her mouth again.

"that's good, I could stand to get some decend food in my stomach... maybe let the mouse go there too.." Lex stood up and walked over to Demona, letting his mouse continue eating on the steps. "Hey, Demona, can I show you something?"

Typharius looked over at the two of them for a minute before turning his attention to the sea an smiled hiss fanged smile"tortuga will be.....quite fun"

"Yes Tortuga" Demona smiled and turned to Lex. "I asked you but you wern't hungry. There's a whole pot of in and... what did you want me to see?"

"Erm.. it's down in my room.. Come on, I need an opinion from you!" Lex exclaimed, running back and grabbing his mouse. "Oh, and thanks for the offer Demona, but I don't like Gumbo."

Demona started twords Lex's room.

Typharius smirked as he watched them go

Lex came back up, yawning and wiping his ear. He made his way to the front of the ship and just stood out watching the water crash againt the wood of the ship.

Demona climbed up on to the rail holding a few ropes. "I spy Tortuga!"

"Can't wait.." Lex muttered as he stared off.

Reina walked upon deck. "Did I hear Tortuga?" she smirked

"Aye! The yea did!" Demona laughed.

Typharius nodded "ah tortuga,it shall be a very nice stay"he chuckled a little to himself"for me anyways"

"That is... if the Interseptor isn't in port" Demona reminded Typh.

Typharius loked at her wth a grin"Especially ifthe intercepor in port"he said with a blood-lusty grin"imperial soldier blood is very very rich"he said remineccing about the last time the oldiers attacked

"We'll be in port in an hour. Any longer and we'll get the tied." Demona stated returning to her post at the wheel.

Reina smirked "I have always liked Tortuga...But does Capt'n know that we'll getting closer?"

"Probly not... were is the Capt.?" Demona asked looking

"I don't know...I'll go look for her and tell her we're getting closer!" Reina said and slipped of under deck

"We're here!" Demona pulls the ship into port. "Someone drop ancar!"

Brethless Reina came running upon deck. "Capt'n says...that if...puh! that if the Interseptor is here... we'll sail to the other side of the island, so I suggest that we don't drop ancar yet" Reina leaned against the rail.

"Don't worry!" Demona called to Reina. "I hear word that the intercepter is on it's way to the Red Sea!"

Typharius scowled and walked over grabbing the anchor with one hand and hurling it over the rail"too bad,ive been itching for a fight"

"We'll play later" Demona laughed. "First we await orders from captain. She said she had a meeting some where"

Lex yawned quietly and got off of the rail. "It wouldn't matter anyways...."

Typharius didnt even really noice lex was on deck till just then he looked over at him"what wouldnt matter?"he frowned not knowing hat the hell lex was even talking about\

"It wouldn't matter if the Interceptor was here..." Lex shrugged.

"It matters to the capt." Demona told'em while lowering the plank conectig the Deck to the dock.

Captain’s Quarters

Reina nocked on the door. "Hey Capt'n! are you here?"

"Oh! Yeah hi!" Chava replied, a bit flustered

Reina walked into the room. "I just wanted to let you know we're getting close to Tortuga...And Demona and Lex is trying to figure out what to do if we run into The Interseptor!" She said and smiled then asked "Is everything o' right Capt'n?"

"Oh fine,fine. Everything's fine. Fine fine fine!" Chava laughed awkwardly, "Now how long til we're there?"

"Ehm about 15-20 minutes.."She said and looked like she was thinking.

"Oh dear God. And you say the Interceptor may be there?" Chava replied

"well not 100% sure, but Typh said he has run into them quite a few times there and you know how they are..." She made a look on her face

Oh great! The meeting we've planned for six years happens the one day that the Interceptor's in Tortuga! "Well we'll be ready for them." Chava muttered, "Be sure to keep a close lookout for them and if we see them, fire cannons." Yes, because once everyone's in Tortuga waiting for you, you get yourself blown up! She paused for a second, "No. If we see them, we head around to the other side of the island."

"O' right Capt'n! I'll lett the rest of the crew know!" She smiled and made her way to the door.

Chart room

Below Deck

Typharius's Room

you enter the room and the first thing you notice is how cold it is,the walls are painted black and there is red carpet on the the middle of the far wall is a rather large and luxurious bed with a black frame and red silk sheets and pillows but of course the bed would almost have to be large because of the size of its to the left hand sideis a bar with shelves of various wines and liquers,but one shelf has bottles full of a red liquid.there is a red an black throne like chair in the center flanked by two black candlabras with red candles burning brightly in to the right is a desk with various artifacts and books with a human skull with a red candle sticking out of a hole on top illuminating the desk this is the room of typharius regeant

Tyharius entered his room shaking his head at what occured above deck with lex and chucled o himself before taing off is cloak and hanging it on the back of the door he waked over and sat on the edge o his bed takig off his boos nd moving the blck jacket and unbttoned the red undershirt revealing his massive muscles.he alked over pouing himself a glass of blooddrainig i dry beore removing the red shirt and layd down on his bed drfting to sleep to awake at nightfall

Typharius woke up earlier then anticipated,he wasnt as tired as he had thought and pulled on his boots and his shirt and jacket before going over to the bar pouring himelf a gass of blood andhears some slght cmmotion in the hall he walks out and down the hall to reinas room to see what was goingon sipping the glass of blood

Demona's Room

When you enter this room you will see no bed only a huge black plusy velvet rug. Over the window there are black out curtain. And at the center of the adjacent wall is a beautifull dragon caved desk with sevrarl books and candles upon it. The bed is in a stroage nook over the door with an intricant gold woven rope latter

Demona stumbled into her room and grabed a bottle in a secret compartment marked Typh and took a swig. She released her grasp on her belly. "Please... not yet." She wisperd to the dark.

Demona Swade and sliped her way to Renia's room.

Reinas cabin AKA the infirmary

This room is a little larger than the others below deck and it is divided into three sections, the largest which contains three beds and one operationtable. The room beside is some smaller and contains a desk, a chair, loads of herbs and medical supplies. The smallest room is where Reina sleeps and it's full of all sorts of weird stuff she has collected from all of their adventures.

Chava looked at Reina and smirked, "Ignore him, he gets a little moody." She looked out the window, "Well it looks like its about time we actually got sailing! You'd best get up on deck if you want to catch a glimpse of the last bit of land we'll see for quite a while." With that, Chava headed up on deck.

"aye capt'n" Reina smiled and followd her upon deck.

"Reina..." Demona called sitting down on on of the beds.

Reina came out from her little office quite red in the face as is she had been blushing, but when she saw Demona her normal face colour came back. "anything wrong?"She said worried

Demona laid back on the bed. "You have no idea." She sighed. ".... Lex is my blood type... I'm sure of it."

Reina said nothing for several minutes. Then suddenly "hm... ehm.. have you talked to Lex about it? Mentioned..your illness?"

Demona quickly sat up. "Heck no! I don't trust him and besides... I'm just worried that Typharius will put two and two together... if he dose... things might not end well. For Lex at least."

"yeah Typharius might be a problem..." Reina said and sat down in an old chair. "I really don't know what to do about it, Lex I mean..We both know that what you have is uncureble, it can only be controled by "medicine" and I'm soon running out of ideas there too!" She put her head between her hands and looked very frustrated.

"You look more distraught then me... And I'm the one dieing" Demona smiled cheerfully. 

"Well I have right to be! You are one of my best friends on this ship and sometimes it feel that I only stand by and watch you die. I'm trying everything I can to help you, but almost nothing works.." Reina said and watched Demona with a sad smile.

"Are you kiding! If it wasn't for you and Thpharius I would have been dead years ago. And I havn't seen Typh in ten years. Nothing's a total loss." Demona said leaning forward trying to cheer Reina up.

Chava went to knock on Reina's door, but overheard Demona say that she was dying. She rolled her eyes, "Great just what I need on this ship right now." She muttered.

"Captain!" Lex exclaimed harmlessly. "Whatcha' doing evesdropping in on them?" He asked curiously. He saw her face and gave a small frown. "What's up?"

"Shh! They'll hear you!" Chava scolded, she pulled Lex closer to the door just in time to hear Reina's 'I only stand by and watch you die.'

Lex frowned heavily and furrowed his brow at the words. He blinked a few times and got a bit closer to the door.

"Did Demona ever say anything to you about having the same blood type?" Chava whispered, still listening.

Lex shook his head slowly, squinting his eyes at the words coming from their mouths. "No.. she didn't..." He whispered back.

"Well it has something to do with Typharius and Demona's disease." Chava said. All of a sudden, something clicked in her head, "Wait! What would Typharius have to do with something that involves blood?"

"I don't know, Cap'n." Lex said in a sort of distracted way.

Chava groaned, "He's a vampire! You don't think Demona's one too, do you? If she is, maybe if you're new, you have to have so much blood." Chava got more excited as this all came together, "And Demona said that if Typharius knew you had the same blood type, it wouldn't be good for you. And Typharius hates you so-." She turned and muttered to herself, "They all come on my ship. How do they find me?"

Lex was rather shocked by his captain's reaction. He placed the tips of his fingers over his mouth and gave a small, cute little laugh. "Ah, captain Chava, I ain't that important.. I don't think Demona's a vampire at all captain, even if the vampire hates ma and he might be dragging her emotins along with his."

"Then why would you be in danger if Typharius knew you and Demona had the same blood type?!" Chava whispered

"I don't know.. but don't let your imagination get the better of you." Lex said casually, placing his hands into his pockets again.

Demona Shook her head. "I guess that I was just worryed was all but... it still makes me wonder what if and..." Demona smile pointing to the door and silently walked up to it and pulled it open. "Afternoon"

"Cap'n! Lex!" Reina said surpised "for exactly how long have you guys been there?

Typharius came walking up behind lex and chava sipping the lod and peerg into reina`s cabin noticing demona"se spends a lot of time in there"he said as he brushed past lex and chava entering the room"appears we must watch our words around her"mirking at chava and lex"weve got a couple of eavesdroppers afoot"he said smirking.

Lex looked at Demona and gave a slight frown. "Blood...? Blood type..." He shook his head lowly and headed off towards the steps to go above deck.

Chava froze, "Oh, um, see what I'm talking about, Lex? This door has a bad case of termites." She said, knocking on the wooden door, "I want it fixed before tonight."

Reina looked suspicious at Chava. "Well... whatever you guys heard it was nothing of importance! and I haven't really had a problem with the door before, but ok, do what you want..."

Chava laughed awkwardly, "Of course not, why would you say anything important? Er-I mean- important to us..that we"

Demona moved head from the Captain to the fleeing Lex then to Typharius and swolloed hard, her eyes still covered. "I'll talk to you later Doc she called brushing past Typh and Chava. "We'll be in Tortuga soon" she said on her way to the deck.

"Reina can I talk to you for a sec?" Chava said, motioning towards the door. "Gentlemen." She acknowledged Lex and Typharius before moving into the infirmary.

"em...sure!" Reina followed Chava and closed the door behind them.

Chava cleared her throat, "Now," She muttered in a whisper, "As captain of this ship, I need to know what's going on with Demona."

"I understand, even if this means I'm breaking Demonas trust.." Reina said. For a few seconds she seemed less happy with the situation, but finaly she said "Demona has a rare case of red death. It's going to kill her, or is killing her actually. I'm doing everything I can to help her to live the rest of her life without to much trouble..."

"The Red Death. What's that?" Chava asked

"The red death means that her blood sveaps from all the openings in her body. That'll mean eyes, nose, mouth, ears everything! Of cource this means that she need new blood, because her bocy can't make new blood fast enought. The best blood it the same as her own bloodtype, but it's not necessary..." Reina looked at Chava for a reaction.

Lex came walking past Reina's room. He stopped and stared in at the two females then looked at Typharius. "So.. as long as she feels safe with you two, it shouldn't matter to me and captain, now should it?" He said in a smug tone before he walked off to find some food.

"Hm. That is a problem." Chava muttered, "How long does she have?"

Reina thought it over for a few seconds. "Well, that's difficult to say...If she has an "attack" and don't get the right treatment, she might die within days, but if it don't get any worse than it is rigt now and I keep treating her, she can still live healty for years. But this is the first time I have ever treaten something like this, so I don't know so much about it as I'd like to...But for now I think I can manage..." She said.

Typharius frowned"what does he mean,feel safe with us two?"he chuckling lightly"if she felt safe with me she wouldnt have had to sneak around and steal the blood"he shook his head and walked out of reinas room and above deck

Demona walked in with a steaming bowl. "Anyone hungry?"

Chava rolled her eyes, "Ah, its always on my crew." She muttered, she turned to Demona, "I think I will have to pass. I guess I need to see if this ship has made any kind of progress." With that, she left for the deck.

"yes, me too, but thanks!" Reina said to Demona and walked out of her cabin

"Gosh... don't these people ever eat" Demona thought jamming the spoon in her mouth and followed after them.

Lun's Room

Upon first entering, Lun's room seems to be no bigger than the average broom closet. However, upon closer inspection, this is merely because of the large amount of stuff crammed into it. Lun is somewhat of a pack rat, and it definitely shows. However, everything stored here has been collected during her stay on Le Canard. Any relics from her past are deeply hidden. While she rarely spends time in her room, there is still bedding and various other things stored here. The trick is in finding them.

There was a crash, and the door to Lun's room flew open, spilling Lun and a landslide of stuff out into the hall. Lun scrambled to her feet, shouting "Mierda!" and started frantically tossing stuff back into the room, muttering to herself the entire time.

Lex came stumbling down the steps and came upon Lun's room. "Should've known who it was who woke me up. Lun are you okay?" He asked halfheartedly, rubbing his eyes gently.

"No, no, I'm cool." Lun said, chucking a bag full of jingly objects back into the room and closing the door before everything could spill out again. "You were sleeping then, Lex? Sorry 'bout that."

"Meh.. they don't like me up there very much anyways, so, no big deal." He said as he slid his hands into his pockets. He peeked around her at her door and tilted his head. "Are you sure everything is okay? Need to do a little spring cleaning?"

Lun made a face. "Are you serious? There's no way." She tapped the door. "I keep all this stuff for a reason. Anyway, I'll clean it out if I ever move. Until then, I'm much too lazy."

"Well, I could always help you out, ya' know?" Lex said as he looked back to her. He shrugged lightly and gave a low sigh. He spotted Chava evesdropping through the door and gave a small smile. "I'll catch ya' later Lun.. I'm gonna go see what the captains up to." He said, then walked off.

Lex's Room
His room is just a regular room--bed, window, few stakes sticking from the walls carrying a weapon or two, ect.--only to the naked eye though. He has made many secret doors that lead to stashes of alcoholic based beverages, assorted weapons(that he never uses), blade supplies, ect. He really has everything he needs hidden, he believes that he does not have to show everything to his crew mates, he usually keeps to himself while in his room anyways. The most he's ever done in the room is lay on his bed, drink, or sharpen his prized blade which hangs on the wall by a stake. A picture of his sister hangs over the top of the bed, only so he knows that he'll sleep well knowing his siter watches over him.

"good" she said. She stood there in a few seconds just looking around in the room, then said "From where in spain are you from..?"

"I don't really know myself, love... I've always been on the run, literally.. Me and her." He gave a small grunt as he gripped the mouse gently and sat himself up. He opened the drawer from the small stand and placed the mouse in it, seeing as if was free of materials. He picked up the wine glass and bit into the small stand that held it upright till shards fell to his tongue and a sounding crack and shatter was heard. He spit the debriss onto the ground and drunk most of the wine. He placed the bowled cup sideways into the drawer and shut it till there was only a crak left for the mouse to breath from. He stared up at Reina and gave a small smile. "Was that all you wanted then? 'Cause I'm go back out to the deck." He said warmly, standing up and exiting the room. He left the door open for her.

She followd him out the door and said with a smile "yes, that was everything... ehm.. I'v got some stuff to do" She walked down the wide corridor and in to her room.

Lex walked back to his room only to grab the mouse, who was running around hyperly and near drunken in the cupboard. He laughed lightly and picked it up gently in his hand. "So.. How does some dinner sound little guy? Sound good?" He pet in between the mouse's ears and walked back out of the room.

Demona waited outside his room.

Lex came walking up from behind Demona, opening the door for him to go inside. He placed his rat in the drawer and shut the door. "One moment..." He went through his bottom drawer and pulled out a fancy peachy-pink dress and laid it on his bed. It was decorated in diamonds, glitter, veils, ect. It looked kind of like a royal dress that you'd expect to be on a princess, but little better. He opened the door for Demona and pointed to the dress on his bed, giving off a small smile. "So, how does it look?"

"It's beautyful..." Demona stated a bit confused and uncomfertably.

Lex smiled and crossed his arms, staring at it triumphantly. "I designed it!" He exclaimed, glancing at her and back to the dress.

Demona looked at him. "The swords smith created a dress... why?"

"Good question." Lex chuckled and just continued to stare at the dress. "I don't know, it's just.. the last dress I made, before this, was one for Elizabeth.. I guess I just wanted to see if I still could make them."

"Well I wouldn't give up the trade." Demona smiled.

Lex stuck his tongue out at her and frowned. "Mean ass..." He said playfully, walking over and grabbing the dress by the middle and folding it up in a half-assed manner. "Just be glad you didn't have to see me wear it."

"I ment the dress making trade... and I can't believe I missed that!" Demona laughed.

"Yeah, I had to "model" my sister's dress before she would wear it.." Lex said with a small laugh at the end. He looked up at the picture aove his bed, then replaced the empty drawer with the dress once more. "Don't have to like sisters, but you gotta love 'em.."

"I wouldn't know" Demona sighed.

"Maybe there is a possibility that she is still alive.. right?" Lex asked Demona, turning to her and tilting his head a bit.

"Maybe... were you there at the exacution?" Demona asked.

"I was locked in a cell with no chance of escape of fress air for a long time.. they thought if I were to go to her exacution I would somehow manage to use my "assassination magic" to get her out of the tigh5t bind she was in.. Idiotic peabrained Spanish guards.."

Demona cocked her head. "How'd you get out a live?"

"My totally awesome Assassination Magic." Lex joked halfheartedly. "Actually, when they were getting me ready to be hanged, after a long list of pirates, I kind of had no choice but to kill once more.."

"Well then... what's to say she couldn't do the same thing?" Demona smiled cheerfully.

"I guess you're right.." Lex agreed with little enthusiasm, he didn't want to get his hopes up if she hadn't escaped.

Demona looked down at the empty bowl in her hand. "You sure you don't want any...?"

Lex gave her a blank stare before balling his fist and rapping on the side of her skull gently. "Hello? Can't you see you've eaten it all already?"

Demona smacked his hand away. "I told you I made a whole pot" She stuck her finger in his ear. "listen next time!" She smiled.

Lex groaned quietly and smacked her finger away. "Ew." He said simply, sticking his tongue out at her again and crossing his arms. "Fine, fine.."

"It's in the Galley. Help your self" Demona smiled.

"Ah, no, not if you're not gonna get it for me!" Lex exclaimed sarcastically.

"I made it! Enjoy..." Demona smiled and walked off to the deck.

"Brat!" Lex called after her, he'd rather starve then eat gumbo anyways. He shrugged and walked off after Demona, heading back to the deck and leaving his little mouse in the drawr to eat.

Lucia's Room

Karen's Room

Tirial's Room
Her room is a more like a simple yet intriging room for it has cracked wooden floors like on the bottom of a wooden ship The walls are bare except for the one infront of her bed which holds her sword and her pistol. She has a hope chest on which has inside of it her only clothing and her mother's necklace as well as a small photo that of her only family when she was little (About the human age of 5) The bed that she has is not an ordinary one it is like a 1700's cot (A small cloth hammoc with one pillow) she mostly has her elvish red wine and other alcoholic drinks in her hope chest as well for she also likes to read so she stays most of her time writing in her journal about the life that she has indured during the employment of the Le Canard and of Being a Deck hand. On her bed there is a small blanket (On which she uses only when it is cold or when she is ill.) She usually reads and writes by the candle sticks and such on which her grandmother had given to her before she had passed away.

Tirial had stepped into her room with her shirt and her other clothing wet. She had sighed and said quietly, "I really need to get over this past of mine." She pulled out a small leather book from her hopechest and took out a quill pen and ink as she had started to speak while she had wrote, "Dearest Thorsten, Today is the day that I have finally stopped having the night mares... you know the ones about the great fire and my youngest sister..." She stopped writing and she flung to her swords on the wall and slowly went to the door and flung it open pointing the sword only at the young man named Lex, she put her sword down gentley and went back to her bed, she shut the book that she was writing in and asked him, "What are you doing here...Mr.?"


Demona walked in. "Do we have a cook yet?" She called.

Lex stared at Demona as he walked in then he walked off to the kicthen o grab some bread for the mouse. He came back out and sat down in a chair and placed the mouse on the table. He laid the bread a few inches from it and watched as it began to eat happily and quickly.

"How cute!" Demona smiled. "You hungry?" She asked Lex.

"No." He answered simply, leaning his head ontop of his arms that were laying on the table top.

"You look it" Demona told him.

"I'm not. I just feel out of place. Maybe if my sister were here I wouldn't feel so alone and hated." Lex reached one hand out and ran a finger along the spine of the mouse.

Demona scratched the mouses cheek, it seamed to enjoy. "You want something anyway? ...Where is you sister?"

"No.. I'm fine.." Lex looked at her then looked down at the table, retrachting his arm back in from petting the white mouse. "Dead..."

Demona sat down. "I'm sorry... How...?"

"She was hung for helping me kill the fat ass king of Spain.. I should've been the one at the end of that rope, not her." Lex clenched his fists and eyes shut, forcing back a few tears.

Demona looked down. "My parents left me for dead... they proboble think I am by now..."

"I'm sorry." He said warmly, opening his eyes and staring at the mouse eating the bread. It was blurry for a moment, but the sight cleared up after a few seconds or so. "I truely am."

"I know... every one is... I was ten when I became a pirate but I missed home so when I was thirteen I went back. That's when I got sick. The stupid doctor thought it was Scuvy. Which mad things worse so they got rid of me for fear of their own lives... Atleast you've done something great" Demona said getting up.

"I killed my sister, how's that great?" He asked in a sort of irritable voice. "I'd take all of that back if I could, I'd give up my own life for her to be here right now.." Lex shook his head and grabbed both the mouse and the bread. "None of you guys understand me one bit.. shouldn't have ever joined this pissy crew." He said lowly, as he began to walk towards the door.

"Wait!" Demona called phazed by her increadible thought. "Tell me... how long ago was this and... what was her name?"

"Two years ago tomorrow. Her name was Elizabeth, named after her mother." Lex turned his head back towards Demona and tilted it slightly. "Why?"

"Just a crazy thought..." She told him. I won't know untill we reach Tortuga...

Lex rolled his eyes and walked out still holding the mouse and the bread in one hand. He stopped and turned around, heading straight towards the kitchen again and coming out with a small bowl of waer, then leaving again to head above deck for some fresh air.

Demona walked into the kitchen and stood at the stove. She pulled two silver cuffs from her pockets the roatated he shoulders making her coat slip right off onto the chair behind her and clasped the cuffs below her elbows to hold her sleeves in place. In minites she whiped up a Lauisiana steak Gombo. She put out a few more bowls in case anyone else wanted some then left to ask them.

back to The Mediterranean Sea

back to The Seven Seas RP

back to Seven Seas

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2007-06-06 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: oi can we add like below deck and captains qarterss aand crews sleeping quarters and stuff?

2007-06-06 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Well it looks like we alredy have the Deck! ^ ^

2007-06-06 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: yes i agree

2007-06-06 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: well looks like we took tings into our own hands then^^ hope you dont mind orange XD

2007-06-06 [Rhymes With Orange]: Um...actually [Silas the Albino] kinda wanted there to be only one part to the ships' rps so is it possible that we can take out all the extra rooms. If you go to a different place, maybe just put a line?

2007-06-06 [Rhymes With Orange]: And by line I mean

That thing

2007-06-06 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: oh......ok then

2007-06-06 [Rhymes With Orange]: Sorry. Its just that that way we can keep things from getting all confused like "This guy went there but he's not here anymore, now he's there" kinda thing. :{

2007-06-06 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: oh i thought that it was more confusing to have evrything on one page but since silas wants it that way i guess i will have to just deal

2007-06-06 [Silas the Albino]: Yeah thanks guys. I don't know, I guess it just makes things easier for new members? Just so they don't come in and have to go back and forth from different places all the time to keep track of what's going on.

2007-06-06 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: ok i fixed mine..

2007-06-06 [Silas the Albino]: K thanks.

2007-06-06 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: oh ok sorry about the room description thing....

2007-06-06 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: So we can't have are own rooms like in la compagnie? How do we do are jobs if we're only on the deck? Oh... ok? Actualy it seams more confusing... When we write again do we continue where we left off, or down at the bottom?

2007-06-06 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: we have to seperate it with a line if we are i a diffrent room like typharious goes to the hart room

typharius burns the charts

2007-06-06 [Silas the Albino]: ^^Get it now? Yup just make a line, I think I already did that for you after the chart room thing. And yeah don't worry about it, I completely forgot to say anything.

2007-06-06 [Silas the Albino]: Oh and yeah because a lot of new people on la compagnie said that it was too confusing to keep up with all the people moving everywhere.

2007-06-06 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: So evey time we write we put a line?

2007-06-06 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: every time we write and we are in diffrent rooms from each other....

2007-06-07 [Silas the Albino]: K ya know what? I just noticed that on the Hunter rp, they have different rooms, but they aren't all in different wikis its just like The Deck

The Hold

The Kitchen
So its just different sections of the same page.

2007-06-07 [Silas the Albino]: So if you guys want to do that, I guess you can.

2007-06-07 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: ah i see that is a good idea um can i repost the description of typharius`s room then?

2007-06-07 [Silas the Albino]: Yeah sure, they're on this page already so you don't have to go to the other wiki.

2007-06-07 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: ok cool

2007-06-07 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Now! I get it! ... Like this?

2007-06-07 [Rhymes With Orange]: Yup

2007-06-08 [The 5 Elements]: just curious...where the imperial soldier come from?

2007-06-08 [silent_voice]: Zapinc is a rouge person who goes around ruining everyone's roleplaying.

2007-06-08 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: We're under attack? EITC?

2007-06-08 [Zapinc]: Your a pussy who cant take being in a ruff situation

2007-06-08 [The 5 Elements]: yeah i know that but i was under impression zapinc is in indian ocean

2007-06-08 [silent_voice]: Zapinc, you just randomly walked into my apocalypse roleplay and blew up half the buildings. You ruin roleplaying.

2007-06-08 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: wow thats messed up dude

2007-06-08 [Zapinc]: My plan was to shake the system with a stunning entry and then get owned, so that it looks like the imperialist empire (Or in that case the Government) Is shit and is no where near as powerful as the will of the people

2007-06-08 [silent_voice]: Oh yes and you really showed that by having yourself walk into the apocalypse roleplay with 33MM guns.

2007-06-08 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Your so dead! ^ ^

2007-06-08 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: oh well i was not on til just now ad didnt even know we were under atack but i dont reall care,its kind of fun anyway,so you doont mind me using the soldier as a late night snack oh scratch that i seee you dont sorry wrote that before i saw your next posting?

2007-06-08 [Zapinc]: Go ahead, I have endless spawns of soldiers at my desposal, that why I do this, so that people actually die, cos no PRing charator dies, and namesless soldeirs are perfect and deposable ^o^ Kill as many as you want

2007-06-08 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Hope they don't have families or that would make you a monster!

Hey... why didn't a soilder attack me like Typh and Xuan?

2007-06-08 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: lol no i just asked because its the rules,

2007-06-09 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Hey! We're not giving the soilders time to respond! Is Zapinc even still here?!

2007-06-09 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: i dont know...he said to kill them....

2007-06-09 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: But if he dosen't respond then there's endless soilders! The ship dose have a weight limit!

2007-06-09 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: true......

2007-06-09 [The 5 Elements]: he hasnt been online for 21 mins...

2007-06-09 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: so should we just post that they ran away or summat?

2007-06-09 [The 5 Elements]: probably...something like killing the last few

2007-06-09 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Or we could just finish of the rest and say the leader and reinforsments retreated...

2007-06-09 [The 5 Elements]: how many are left then?

2007-06-09 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: yeah

2007-06-09 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: none are left noow

2007-06-09 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: except one...

2007-06-09 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: yes the ive one

2007-06-09 [The 5 Elements]: lol...i was thinking interogation and of you pharaun

2007-06-09 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: hehehe...oh the interregation comes first....why not at the same time?

2007-06-09 [The 5 Elements]: cos i cant interprate screams into useful info...sorry. not that talented

2007-06-09 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: ah i see, lol

2007-06-09 [The 5 Elements]: sorry bout that...wen i do learn scream though we will do it your

2007-06-09 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: lol okay^^

2007-06-09 [Rhymes With Orange]: So um sorry I completely missed the battle. I had to work and jsut now got a chance to get on. Btw, thanks to whoever made the different rooms.

2007-06-09 [The 5 Elements]: lol orange...we already finished..

2007-06-09 [Rhymes With Orange]: Oh no we didn't ^^ Haven't missed out on all the action. Why just recently I had a gun jabbed into my face :P

2007-06-09 [Zapinc]: Meh, there will be plenty more where that came from

2007-06-09 [Rhymes With Orange]: Oh its on! >.< Bring it.

2007-06-09 [Zapinc]: Its not on, we just fought, the two crusers closing in will take a while

2007-06-09 [Rhymes With Orange]: Oh we just fought ^^And won...yeah...go team...

2007-06-09 [Zapinc]: If I actually destroyed your ship, I would be kicked out, so you kind of cheat in a way

2007-06-09 [Rhymes With Orange]: ^^Great thanks, now I feel bad.

2007-06-10 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: That may be true but you could try harder... Make it an epic battle instead of sending rookies for us to slauter.

2007-06-10 [Zapinc]: You are only docked with like, 3 people on board, like im gonna send an armie, and BTW, all the infantry is gone now, resume your port chores and go to sea already so I can battle you at sea

2007-06-10 [Rhymes With Orange]: K, maybe if you want an epic battle, maybe go to another sea for now until we get our crew complete and we'll let you know.

2007-06-10 [Rhymes With Orange]: Oh and my crew, if you have any friends that might be interested in this crew, see if they want to join.

2007-06-10 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: im trying to find people

2007-06-10 [The 5 Elements]: as far as i knew zap wasnt supposed to be here...he should have been in idian ocean

2007-06-10 [Silas the Albino]: ATTENTION!!! So once every week or two, I'm going to clear all the entries in the rps (just so they don't get too big and we have to make 2nd rps like The Hunter 2 or something) but don't worry, I'll make a page that explains everything that has happened so far and anyone can see it. I'm planning on erasing hopefully Monday if I can get on, so if you come to rp and don't see anything that'd be why. Thanks

2007-06-10 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: yeah thats what i thought too

2007-06-10 [The 5 Elements]: thats why wen he attacked i was like what the hell...he isnt supposed to be here

2007-06-10 [Silas the Albino]: So I'm planning on either tomorrow or Tuesday. Probably tomorrow.

2007-06-10 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: ok silas ill try to emember where i was at last

i know i was like,dang hows he in two places at once??

2007-06-10 [The 5 Elements]: kool, thanks for letting us know request...maybe leave a few little snippets on our page of the last things we said...more easy to take off again..

Yeah, i couldnt figure..

2007-06-10 [Rhymes With Orange]: K silas is saying that he's planning on leaving a few things on so people remember what they did last.

2007-06-10 [The 5 Elements]: i thought he said he was making a new page for update on things...i was asking if it could be possible for last few things on this page to be left here

2007-06-10 [Rhymes With Orange]: Yeah that's what he's planning on doing. And the page is up, but there just isn't anything on it yet.

2007-06-10 [The 5 Elements]: oh, bad, this is my first proper RP. i might look stupid for asking...where we tied up? tortuga or elsewhere?

2007-06-10 [Rhymes With Orange]: Hey no worries. Um, well I think now we're at port somewhere in the Mediterranean^^That's probably where we'll be until we get more on crew

2007-06-10 [Zapinc]: You where tied up in port, I have noidea where, but some port somewhere and you got raided by army men

2007-06-10 [Rhymes With Orange]: Yup pretty much

2007-06-10 [The 5 Elements]: last RP i was in fell in the ass..
Kool, just wanted to make sure...well not many more in crew to go now.
just for my own am i doing?

2007-06-10 [Rhymes With Orange]: I'd say perdy good. And yeah we only need like 3 more people

2007-06-10 [Zapinc]: I can be anywhere, my influence sparces across the globe, my units can intercept from any location, just dont forget how big the EIC is ^o^ Sme have, and I had to explain that their is more than one ship in the EIC

2007-06-10 [Rhymes With Orange]: Dun dun duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun. Yeah is that okay if we find more crew before the huge fight?

2007-06-10 [Zapinc]: Take your time

2007-06-10 [The 5 Elements]: yeah we know that zap but even the EITC cant pass messages in a second...and you would think ther be some kind of give away they coming
thanks capt' just wanted to know

2007-06-10 [Rhymes With Orange]: Good deal, there's one person now that I'm talking to that's considering joining, so this hopefully won't take long.

2007-06-10 [The 5 Elements]: ok then, ill try and do a scour for people who love pirates and everything so hopefully we can get sailing soon

2007-06-10 [Zapinc]: Then I can attack you!

2007-06-10 [Rhymes With Orange]: ^^Who doesn't love pirates? But yup sounds good.

2007-06-10 [Zapinc]: I dont like the Difent levels...its annoying....

2007-06-10 [Rhymes With Orange]: Lo siento

2007-06-10 [Rhymes With Orange]: Hmmm...hard wood floors.

2007-06-10 [The 5 Elements]: actually makes things easier for us with different levels...1 person could be having a convo below deck and then ur back up on deck...that would be i think diff levels is good...sorrts things out

2007-06-10 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: yeah

2007-06-10 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: lol idk

2007-06-10 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: yeah i know thats a tough one.....just make a smithy below deck or summat

2007-06-10 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: oh yeah the furnace idk...good idea askin silas

2007-06-10 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: yes yes you did^^

2007-06-10 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: ^^ yep~dances as well~

2007-06-11 [Silas the Albino]: ATTENTION AGAIN (sorry) K, I'm going to go ahead and start erasing the entries. I'll leave a few of the last ones so we all don't completely forget where we left off. If you could, please hold off on rping until I'm done so we can get this finished fast. Gracias!

2007-06-11 [Silas the Albino]: K I'm done, thank you very much! Let me know if you forgot what you were doing.

2007-06-11 [Rhymes With Orange]: No problem. AND DON'T FORGET TO PICK ME UP!!!!!!!

2007-06-11 [Silas the Albino]: Oh no worries I'll be there at like 4:30ish cuz we need Ilsa.

2007-06-11 [Rhymes With Orange]: Ilsa. I miss Ilsa.

2007-06-11 [Silas the Albino]: Last time we saw her was Friday :{

2007-06-12 [Rhymes With Orange]: ^^its ok cuz now we've been Ilsa-refreshed!

2007-06-12 [Silas the Albino]: Ay, that we be.

2007-06-12 [Silas the Albino]: Hey ok, sorry again for all these comments, but I think I've decided that since this wiki is going so well and the rps are getting bigger by the minute, I'll be doing the whole clearing thing every Monday. By request, I'll be leaving about the last half (maybe a bit less depending on how much was written that week) so nobody will get lost. I'll also be updating all the stories on Seven Seas Story Thus Far in case you get lost. Thank you and keep rping!

2007-06-12 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: ok cool that sounds terrific indeed^^

2007-06-12 [Silas the Albino]: Yessums. Gawd the Nightmare has a lot of writing already and I just cleared it yesterday!

2007-06-12 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: XD they are a busy bunch

2007-06-12 [Silas the Albino]: No kidding.

2007-06-12 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: XD dang,i just looked on their page

2007-06-12 [chyu]: How do u RP here?

2007-06-15 [Rhymes With Orange]: Write something in wherever you want.

2007-06-15 [Erubeus]: -blink blink-
Aww, why do you have to attack him like that? u.u

2007-06-15 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: who?

2007-06-15 [Erubeus]: Lex..
He's no boy toy..He could be if he wanted to though...

2007-06-15 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: oh typharius just thinks he is annoying

2007-06-15 [Erubeus]: No kidding.

2007-06-15 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: XD yeah

2007-06-16 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Boy... Lot happen since I've been gone? Who are all these people!!! 0 0

2007-06-17 [Kai Crewger]: ok, someone's gonna hafta message me and fill me in on all that happened while I was away

2007-06-17 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: I think there's a summary somewhere...  Hi!

2007-06-18 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: i gotta go so,yeah

2007-06-18 [Silas the Albino]: So its Monday again and I'm going to clear most of the entries. You can still see updates on Seven Seas Story Thus Far and I'll leave the last few entries for you.^^Thanks again!

2007-06-19 [Kai Crewger]: someone rp me in. do something...

2007-06-19 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Just show up. come abord and someone will greet you! ^ ^

2007-06-19 [Kai Crewger]: eh, but I'm already on board, technically...

2007-06-19 [Erubeus]: yeah.. just kind of make some noise or something and lex'll say something to her for waking him up.

2007-06-19 [The 5 Elements]: need to click the edit button on this page and type ur stuff

2007-06-19 [Erubeus]: Wait.. what does that mean?

2007-06-19 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Right under "back to Seven Seas" it says edit this page... click it and write! ^ ^

2007-06-19 [Erubeus]: I know that... u.u
I meant what does what Demona said, what does that mean?

2007-06-19 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Which thing that she said? And I didn't mean you...

2007-06-19 [Erubeus]: Demona laid back on the bed. "You have no idea." She sighed. ".... Lex is my blood type... I'm sure of it."

2007-06-19 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: ^ ^ oh! That... Depends on what the doc says...

2007-06-19 [Erubeus]: SHE WANTS HIS BLOOD?!
-spazzes and flails arms helplessly-
You're lucky he's a nice white-haired idiot!

2007-06-19 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Hey! You said it not me... nope didn't say a thing.

2007-06-19 [Erubeus]: xD

2007-06-19 [Erubeus]: Q-Q Why do you guys hate Lex so much?

2007-06-19 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Hey! If you want in on the conversaytion then get in there!
^ ^

2007-06-19 [Erubeus]: Sorry, I'm talking with Reina.. whenver she gets back on.. u.u

2007-06-19 [Erubeus]: Erm.. Lun I mean... ^^;

2007-06-19 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: I'll say it... He's Intimidating that all. ^ ^

2007-06-19 [Erubeus]: -pokes-
He's intimidating?

2007-06-19 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Aye! ^ ^ That be it.

2007-06-19 [Erubeus]: Who is?
Lex, or Typharius?

2007-06-19 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Lex! Typh is by Lex! ^ ^

2007-06-19 [Erubeus]: OH!
I knew that... -no she didn't-

2007-06-20 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: hes not intimidating,just annoying,phantom you are not very good at guessing why people dont like others are you?anyway,when is it gonna be nighttime so typharius can wake up?

2007-06-20 [Erubeus]: he's above deck already.. =x

2007-06-20 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: He's annoying because he's intimidating, he dosen't care and you can't harm him... That kinda thing
^ ^

2007-06-20 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: What's the Red Death! I suppose you don't know what Ebola is either?

2007-06-20 [Kai Crewger]: ebola

2007-06-20 [Erubeus]: Hey, phantom, post.

2007-06-21 [Erubeus]: post!

2007-06-21 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: I got my picture up!!! And is scary... yuck.

2007-06-21 [Erubeus]: ^^
At least it's up

2007-06-21 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: What you think of it?

2007-06-21 [Erubeus]: It's alright. I know what she looks like better now ^^

2007-06-21 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: I drew it in 10 min! It sucks... *sigh*

2007-06-21 [Erubeus]: I still think it helps.

2007-06-21 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: i have no clue what you even mean by that phantom................

2007-06-21 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: What?...

2007-06-21 [The 5 Elements]: i dont think he understood your 10min comment

2007-06-21 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: ... which one was that....???

2007-06-21 [The 5 Elements]: the one 4 comments above the last one i said...

2007-06-22 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: yeah

2007-06-23 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Oh! I drew that picture in ten min.! You sickos!!!!! I was talking about the picture! Geeze...

2007-06-23 [The 5 Elements]: i understood dont look at me with that sick gaze

2007-06-23 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: no i wasnt talking about that i was talking about your weird typharius is scared of lex explination

2007-06-23 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: No... not scared. Lex annoys him and he can't eat him. That's all... ^ ^

2007-06-25 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: oh ok yes that is true

2007-06-26 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: ... no one's writing anything new... ?

2007-06-27 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: no i guess

2007-06-27 [Rhymes With Orange]: Yeah I've been on vacation so sorry if I don't have much that's new.

2007-06-27 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Then someone write!!!!! ^ ^

2007-06-27 [Cupboard*Full*O f*Malice]: m above deck steering

2007-07-03 [Frivalicious]: something happened when I pressed a wrong buttom... :( can you do something about it [Rhymes With Orange]? I really didn't mean to... so sorry! :(

2007-07-03 [Rhymes With Orange]: Its ok. Its fixed.

2007-07-03 [Frivalicious]: Thanks! won't do it again^^

2009-06-28 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Why did we ever stop doing this awsome Rp?!

2009-06-29 [Rhymes With Orange]: Woah...I haven't checked this in forevuuuuuuuuuuuuuur

2009-06-30 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: I know right!? but It was fun! ^ ^

2009-06-30 [Rhymes With Orange]: It's true. I dunno, I'm not sure if it's better than La Compagnie, but this one was pretty good too :) Ah, reminiscing...Holy Jesus on a pogo stick this was such a long time ago!

2009-07-01 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: I still go on La Compagnie every now and then to put up new pictures of the opera house! ^ ^

2009-07-01 [Rhymes With Orange]: I saw that last time I checked it :D

2009-07-01 [Phantom Puppet_Magician]: Cool hun?!

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